“90% of our emotional experience is outwardly expressed in a non verbal way. Our posture, our gestures and our non verbal communication expresses who we are, what our present experience is, our personal history, what we can expect and need from others” Daniel Goleman (Emotional Intelligence).
In its origins, one of the “ahead of its time” features of Hakomi was the using of the body as a tool for Self-Discovery. One of its main basic principles is the Mind-Body Unity, in that sense we consider the body as a reflection of the mental-emotional life.
In any of the experiments done in Mindfulness, the body, its reactions and expression will always be present. We will follow the non verbal expressions of those reactions, emotions, the changes in facial expression and gestures…
On the other hand, we pay special attention to what the body may be expressing as an indicator of unconscious material. The body is the physical expression of how the person is organising their experience, through beliefs, emotions, world interpretations and so on.
In that sense, our posture, gestures and tensions, are expressing what is happening on a mental and emotional level, consciously or unconsciously.
“The body is expressing the unconscious mind”. Therefore, studying the body’s behaviours will reveal core unconscious material, which is key for the person’s Self-Discovery.
Furthermore, as most of us carry rigid physical forms and expressions, all of these locate us within a specific emotional place. Often preventing different and more nourishing experiences to occur.
We could also find meaning to tensions and uncomfortableness located in different parts of the body. We could even provide expression to blocked energies in those body parts.
A new posture or expression could allow the development of more convenient and nourishing experiences, thus contributing to new records of our behaviours. With the repetition of these new emotional/body patterns we will have, at our disposal a whole new way of functioning in the world and in life.