Sessions / Training

Within this work we have several possibilities, the first, One-to-one Sessions, in which personalised counselling is provided. We also have varieties of Group Sessions and Workshops, regular/weekly clases or Intensive Workshops of varying durations.


An habitual way of learning these practices is through a series of one-to-one sessions, in person or on-line. These sessions could be made up of teaching the person how to use these Mindfulness and meditative techniques.

On the other hand, what we consider to have a higher impact on the person’s Self-Development is a series of sessions using the Hakomi Method of Assisted Self-Discovery based on Mindfulness. A later combination with personal practice to stabilise the changes that take place throughout the sessions. What can you expect from these sessions? Click here to learn more…

The sessions will last one hour and can be carried out in person or online. Online sessions will require prior payment through PayPal or Bank Transfer.

If you want to try these one-to-one sessions, do not hesitate to contact me by phone +34 666 454 898 or by email to



The power of any Self-Development activity done in group is unquestionable. Any work of this type or any meditative practice get boosted significantly.



All that we have learned so far provides us with the possibility of offering a great variety of courses and workshops. From the Hakomi Method, to Mindfulness for Stress Reduction, Mindfulness and Personal Transformation, Teamwork Integration, Conscious Parenting as well as the many possibilities coming from Yoga.

In these workshops, especially in those from the Hakomi Method, we not only work on the Personal Self-Discovery but we also train Active and Conscious Listening, Empathy and Loving Presence. This a new way of “being with others” and is effective in the reduction of the emotional impact and stress within relationships, within the workplace and families…

Therefore, Hakomi is powerful way of working within groups. Having a group available of people, willing to participate in their own Self-Discovery and the emotional healing, reveals itself as highly beneficial for all the participants.

The prices will vary depending on the location and the duration of the workshop. If you want to contact us to organise or participate in any of these workshops, please do so by  calling +34 666 454 898 or by emailing

All of our workshops are announced on the “Next Courses” page, where you can find a list with the next dates and workshops.



We are also available to perform talks about Mindfulness and Hakomi to whomever might be interested.



These talks could be an advance for a later Introductory Workshop or for later one-to-one sessions.

In the following link you may see the talk that we did for the SARAY Association (Support Center for Breast Cancer in Navarra) (+Click here)


For those who might be interested, any workshop or session organised by David Medina is recognised as Official HEN (Hakomi Education Network) Training ( David is a Certified International Hakomi Teacher and is part of the Bilbao Training Team.

In addition to this, we are organising a broader training in Bilbao, composed by modules of  5 days, with a duration of 3 years. More information about this training in



This training is meant for any person with an interest in deeply understanding themselves and other people. And for those with an interest in working with the Present Moment Body-Mind experiences.

This training provides very useful tools for any type of body worker, psychotherapist, teacher, health professional as well as to any person interested in enriching their way of  working. Being an approach based on Loving Presence, Mindfulness, Listening, Empathy and the idea the body and mind are not at all separate but are an interdependent unity.

If you wish to contact us regarding the training, do not hesitate to call us to +34 666 454 898 or by email to


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