This proposal provides a space for growth, self-study, co-regulation and emotional nourishment, shared with other people, we want to offer a: HAKOMI ONLINE Weekly Group con David Medina (Certified Trainer by the Hakomi Education Network) !! (Whatsapp +34666454898 or write an email to

The changes experienced in recent years have helped us confirm that we can work on self-discovery and generate a deep connection between people through the screen. The HAKOMI ONLINE classes have been of great personal help for the participants. And it has been revealed as a fundamental complement for people in the training process.

As a Certified HAKOMI Trainer through the HEN (Hakomi Education Network), time in this Weekly Group counts as actual official HEN training time.

The Online format is also very powerful for finding support and promoting self-regulation between people and, from the time we started having this gatherings, it has been very impactful to see the positive change in the group, from the beginning to the end of each session.



– People with interest in Personal Development and Self-Discovery.

– People in the Training Process by HEN (Hakomi Education Network), combinable with the usual «in-person» modules in Bilbao or any other place in the HEN Network.

– Parents, therapists, help professionals, teachers, doctors, nurses and, in general, people interested in developing more appreciative qualities in relating to others

– People interested in creative teamwork and more “appreciative” management styles in which we allow ourselves to “reduce stress among colleagues”


Thursdays from 4:30 to 6:30 pm CET – ZOOM Online Meeting / PDT Pacific 8:30 to 10:30 am (on the day we start)

Check in for your corresponding timezone

Due to my participation in some trainings, once a month the class will take place on Tuesday instead of Thursday (same time).

Changed dates in 2023

November Tuesday 14th instead of Thrusday 16th

December Tuesday 12th instead of Thursday 14th

Changed dates in 2024 (to be informed)


Sending an email to, WhatsApp or calling +34 666 454 898 (David Medina), request a link for payment.

(Price 90 Euro / Month — 95 Euro for payments done with card from outside EU)

Link to make payment by card through Stripe. Payment will be made once and will be collected each month on the date of the first payment.


Hakomi is an Assisted Self-Discovery Method based on Mindfulness. It is a way to apply Mindfulness on the go and in relationships. It is a way of exploring how we relate to others, to ourselves and to the world around us.

It is a gentle and efficient way to discover unconscious habits and beliefs that may be causing us unnecessary suffering, thus allowing us to make new decisions and generate new experiences that produce a nurishing change in our lives.

It is based on the idea that «consciousness brings us choice and choice brings freedom.»

In addition to this, one of the pillars of the Method is the training of the Appreciative State or Loving Presence, trainable qualities that can favor one’s own emotional regulation as well as the regulation of the nervous system of the people we accompany in this way.

This makes it especially interesting for Therapists, Psychologists, Parents, Teachers, Managers and people belonging to the so-called «helping professions».

In recent years, The Polyvagal Theory has shown that this Appreciative State of relating is a way for our nervous systems to regulate themselves and put us in an optimal state for connection, learning and creativity.


David Medina: Mentor, Therapist, Trainer and Lecturer. Certified HAKOMI Trainer & Therapist (Body Centered Psychotherapy), RUP Right Use of Power Faculty Teacher (Right Use of Power)

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